Save Water_Women walking long distances for Water

Women from Latur village in Maharastra have to travel long distances to collect water. Do we need this to happen to all of us? If not, then let’s do our bit now to save water, and prevent a sure disaster to happen!!

To Save water, 15 things you can easily do!!

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Over 2.2 billion people worldwide, more than India, the USA, UK, Germany, Japan, and France countries’ population together, lack access to safely managed drinking water services. Around 4.2 billion people, more than two-thirds of the world’s population, experience severe water scarcity at least once a year. Many cities like Cape Town, Cairo, Jakarta, Melbourne, Istanbul, Mexico City, and London, and Indian cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Jaipur are facing severe water crises today.

How does the future lookIt’s bleak. Around 700 million people will shift their places due to water scarcity by 2030. 25% of the children will live in water scarcity areas by 2040.

Without water, living a life even for a day is impossible. Whatever money one has, will be good for nothing If there is no access to drinking water. Do we have a choice not to Save Water?  No. Absolutely NOT!!

In this guide, we have detailed 15 such things that are part of our daily lives, but we have never thought of saving water (Read our blog on how water helps maintain a healthy lifestyle) through them. Follow these 15 simple practices in your daily life, and see the difference in water consumption.

To save water, 15 things you can easily do!!

1. Use a mug while brushing

Tap for brushing

If you are running a tap while brushing, you need to STOP that now. A running tap wastes around 20 liters of water  per brushing session. Instead, a mug or two of water will do the job in just 1 liter max. 

If you have 4 members in a family, you can save water of around 80 liters of water per day!! 


2. use a bowl/ tray while cleaning vegetables

vegetable wash using the tap

If you are washing your vegetables directly under a running tap, you must STOP it now. A running tap wastes around 30 liters of water, instead of a bowl/ tray of water will do the job in just 3 liters max. per washing session. 

You save water around 27 liters of water per day!!

wash vegetables in a bowl_or_tray

3. use a mug while shaving


If you are running a tap while shaving, you need to think twice. A running tap wastes around 30 liters of water per shaving session. If you have 2 members in a family who do the shaving twice a week, that is 120 liters of water per week!!

Instead, a mug or two of water will do the job in just 1 liter max. per shaving session and 4-liter max. for the family per week.

You will save water around 116 liters of water per week or around 16 liters of water per day!!

4. use a bucket while washing car

car wash using hose

If you are running a hose to wash your car, you need to STOP that now. A running hose consumes around 400 liters of water per washing session. Instead, a bucket or two of water will do the job in just 50 liters max.  

You save water around 350 liters of water per week or 50 liters of water per day!!

car wash using bucket

5. use broom to clean driveways

cleaning pathway using a hose

On average, cleaning a driveway with a hose consumes anywhere from 80 to 100 gallons (approximately 300 to 380 liters) of water per hour. A huge amount of water is wasted while cleaning driveways, sidewalks, and steps, using a hose. 

Instead use a broom to clean them. 

A big step to save water!!

cleaning pathway using broom

6. use dishwasher or washing machine only with full load

washing machine

If you are running your washing machine or dishwasher without optimal load, you need to think twice!! A single run of washing machine consumes around 100 liters of water.

If you are running at 50% of the load, then you are wasting 100 liters of water per day!! You save water big time in the long run.

7. collect water from purifier outlet


Water purifier wastes around 2.5 liters of water for every liter of clean water. If you have an 8-liter capacity purifier, then around 20 liters of water is wasted per session, and if you run it two times a day, around 40 liters of water is wasted.

Extend the outlet pipe of the purifier to the flooring level and collect this wastewater in a bucket. You can reuse this wastewater to mop the floor, water the plants, wash the car, and groundwater recharge.

A big saving of 40 liters of water per day.

If you are living in a housing society, all this wastewater can be connected to a collecting tank through pipes. This will save water of around 4000 liters per day for a medium size housing society with 100 houses.

8. save water from air conditioner outlet

Air conditioner

On average, an air conditioner (AC) can produce around 10 liters of water per hour per ton capacity. You can collect this water and use it for nonessential purposes like mopping the floor, watering the plants, washing the car, and recharging the groundwater.

If your AC is running 5 hours a day, you save water around 50 liters per day!! This will save water around 5000 liters per day for a medium size housing society with 100 houses.

9. install Flow Restrictors/ aerators in showerheads and taps

shower head

A standard shower releases around 3 gallons or 10 liters of water per minute. If a person takes around 5 minutes per shower then 50 liters per person and if there are an average of 4 members in the family, then 200 liters of water is wasted per day.

Inexpensive flow restrictors/ aerators are available in the market that will reduce the flow by up to 50% and your shower will still be cleansing and refreshing.

You can save water more by installing such aerators in taps as well which will reduce water wastage during washing of hands and face.

10. stop throwing waste into toilet

toilet is not your ashtray

If you have a habit of throwing cigarette butts or tissue papers into the toilet, you need to STOP that now. Every time you flush the toilet tank, it wastes around 10 liters of water. Sometimes, these wastes block the plumbing pipes and you need to consume more water to flush them out. They also contribute to the pollution in the water bodies.

Instead, use an ashtray or dustbin and dispose of them separately.

11. avoid watering plants with a hose, use a bucket instead

watering plants

If you are hose to water your plants daily, you need to think twice. A running hose releases around 5-10 gallons or 18-39 liters of water per minute. If you run for 10 minutes, this is 250 liters of water per day!!

Instead, a bucket and mug will reduce the wastage by almost 90%. You can reuse the wastewater from a water purifier or vegetable cleaning and save 100% of water.

You save water around 250 liters of water per day!!

12. water plants during cool period

morning time

Always water your plants during the cool period, especially in the morning before sunrise. This helps prevent water wastage due to evaporation and the plant gets enough time to absorb the water and prevents mould growth.

You save water a big time and do a favor to your plant!!

13. use mulch around plants


A mulch around the plant prevents evaporation and keeps the soil moist. Your plant needs less water than normal, if you use mulching as a practice.

14. fix leaks


An average household wastes around 10,000 gallons or 38,000 liters of water per year due to leakage. They pose a serious threat to the building structure. 

So fix the leaks immediately and do periodic checks around the plumbing system to identify them early. You will save water a big time in the long run and also prevent major damage to the building structure.

Rainy Water Harvesting Filter

One thousand square feet roof will collect around 900 liters of water with a single centimeter of rainfall. You can consult professionals and install an inexpensive rainwater harvesting system to save water and reuse.

Housing societies must consider this as an option. This will drastically reduce the dependency on groundwater. Local governments should make appropriate laws to promote the installation of rainwater harvesting in housing societies, offices, and individual houses. Building plan approvals can be linked to the installation of a rainwater harvesting system on the premises so that effective use of water resources can be done through social awareness.

For any suggestions on our blog post ” To Save Water, 15 Things Can Be Easily Done”, please write to us at

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For the past few days, Bengaluru’s severe drinking water issue has made headlines across the globe. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced on Monday, April 18, that Bengaluru was experiencing a 500 million liter per day water shortage, which equates to over a fifth of the city’s daily water use.

The situation in India is expected to deteriorate, with around 600 million Indians under high-to-extreme water stress and about 200,000 deaths every year from a lack of access to clean water. By 2050, water demand is predicted to outpace availability.

Water-efficient fixtures and appliances include low-flow toilets, water-saving shower heads, aerators for faucets, front-loading washing machines, and dishwashers with high Energy Star ratings.

Bengaluru has been facing severe water shortage due to rapid urbanization. Bengaluru is the most urbanized district, with 90.9% of the population residing in the city. This is putting enormous pressure on the resources. 

Over 93% of Bengaluru Has Turned Into a Concrete Jungle, which has changed the weather pattern. Last year, Bengaluru faced a 21% rain deficit. 

A combination of water exploitation and environmental factors has contributed to a severe water crisis in Bengaluru.


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