Convert PNG to JPG

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FREELY Convert PNG to JPG In 1 Easy Step

PNG to JPG Converter

convert single or multiple PNG files to JPG format in one click and Download them all at once in A single zip file.

How to convert PNG to JPG using EasyPJ?

Select location of pNG files

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To convert PNG to JPG with EasyPJ is super easy. Simply click on “Choose Files” button to choose the PNG files you want to convert. 

If you don’t see PNG files, change the location of the PNG files in the address bar. 

Select pNG files

Select a single or multiple PNG files you want to convert to JPG and click on “Open”.

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Bingo!! Convert pNG to JPG is complete. JPG files are Ready to download

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Bingo!! Your files are converted and you will see the number of files converted on the screen.

Click on the “Download Converted Images” and your download will start. 

You will see the zip file with all JPG files inside, is saved in your download folder.


Our PNG to JPG converter Online Tool “EasyPJ” is FREE to use any number of times. Bookmark this page to come back as many times you want and get your job done in seconds.

Click on Choose Files Button and Select all the files at once and click on Open.

Bingo!! Your files are converted to JPG and ready to download. 

EasyPJ can convert multiple PNG files to JPG at once. You need not do conversion multiple times.

As per our testing, EasyPJ converted 7 PNG files to JPG in fraction of a second. If you observe slowness, check your internet connection and browser-settings, if anything is preventing high volume. If you still face slowness, you can send feedback to us, we will look into it.

We have not put any such limitations, as you can see in the image, our tool has converted 7 PNG files at a time to JPG in seconds.  If you face any limitations, it could be because of your browser limitations. So you can check if any settings in your browser are preventing high volume.

With 7 PNG files , EasyPJ converted to JPG in fraction of a second. If you observe slowness, check your internet connection and browser-settings, if anything is preventing high volume.

Yes. If you are unsure of the files you have selected for conversion, simply click on the Cancel button and tool will come back to original state and you can select the files again.

If you want PNG files from different locations to be converted to JPG at once, then you can copy them to a single folder and use our PNG to JPG converter tool.

Alternately, you can convert PNG to JPG multiple times from different locations using EasyPJ.

Usually PNG files are of better quality, but they occupy much larger space. If space is your concern, then convert PNG to JPG and save.

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